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CHRISTMAS CAMPAIGN 2010 With 5 and on wheels! The goal has been met!

CHRISTMAS CAMPAIGN 2010 With 5 and on wheels! The goal has been met!


CHRISTMAS CAMPAIGN 2010 With 5 and on wheels! The goal has been met!

The Foundation provides 6 welfare flats appropriate to the needs of the patients and their families. The flats are available for those patients with lower financial means or for those who are forced to travel a long distance from their home in order to receive treatment (on receipt of a social services report from the specific hospital in which they are receiving treatment).

Paciente Francesc

Francesc, from Lleida, stayed in the flat close to Hospital Clinic: “I want express my gratitude for the tremendous work of the Foundation, who took care of me and offered me the Hospital Clinic flat in Barcelona. This allowed me to recuperate much quicker than I would have thought after my autologous bone marrow transplant and I could receive my treatment a lot more comfortably in the company of my wife“.

 Paciente Isi

Throughout April 2008, Isi occupied the Foundation flat close to Hospital Sant Pau, in Barcelona, where he received his treatment. His mother Francisca accompanied him at all times, until he had recovered sufficiently from his umbilical cord blood transplant in order to return home to Mallorca.

Since 1994, this service has benefitted over 100 families from all corner of Spain (Mallorca, Burgos, Vigo, Albacete, Zaragoza, Pontevedra, Girona, León, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Lleida, Málaga, Tarragona, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Pamplona, Orense, Asturias, Menorca, Jaén, Murcia, Cádiz, Badajoz, Castellón and Teruel) and the world (Romania, Andorra, Morocco, Argentina, Paraguay, Peru and Mexico).

mapa pisos CAST

DONATE HERE AND NOW and help us to maintain the welfare flats to a high standard. If lots of people participate with 5€ we will be able to make this project a reality.

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