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Leukaemia will be cured. The question is when? #PonleFecha (Give it a date)

Leukaemia will be cured. The question is when? #PonleFecha (Give it a date)


“Leukaemia will be cured. Help us decide when”. With this direct and forceful motto we present today the new awareness campaign of the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Foundation.

Eight lines that mean a lot. Eight lines representing a date we do not know, a day we all hope for. “Leukaemia will be cured. Help us decide when”. This is the direct and forceful motto for the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Foundation’s new awareness-raising campaign being presented today. Our aim? To ask people, “When do you think leukaemia will be cured?”. There are all kinds of possible answers, but only one is valid: TOMORROW. And that ‘tomorrow’ will only come if we invest more resources in scientific research.

We asked 15 people, who might symbolically represent the cast for the fight against leukaemia, this question. We asked them to put a date on it and explain why. All 15 have a connection with leukaemia, and their answers and reasons for them, were very varied. 

∞ 14/02/2008 – Cecília, an 18-year-old former leukaemia patient: “That was the day my transplantation started, and with that, the end of my disease.”

01/01/2031Dr. Josep Mª Ribera, Researcher at the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute and head of the Catalan Institute of Oncology Service, Badalona: We have got 15 fervent years of research ahead. There have been huge changes in the treatment of leukaemias in recent years. I am fully confident that we will find a cure for all of them.”

12/12/2032 – Lydia and Rubén, parents of Mateo, a baby who died of leukaemia: “We chose 12 December because that was the day Mateo was diagnosed with leukaemia, and 2032 because that is when he would have been 18.” 

And we also interviewed a researcher at Harvard, a psycho-oncologist, a patient who wants to be a mother, someone who transports bone marrow around the world, a junior researcher, a patient who later became a nurse, two brothers who donated bone marrow to anonymous patients, the family of a little girl who had received experimental treatment, a former patient who received a bone marrow donation from his sister, and a palliative care doctor, amongst others. From their different perspectives, they all represent the fight against leukaemias, against lymphomas, against multiple myelomas. They all gave us their date, with the hope and conviction that that date would be TOMORROW.

You can watch all the interviews in

What is our aim?

The main aim of our Foundation’s #PonleFecha campaign is to raise awareness. We want to explain to people what leukaemia is all about, and to generate a social debate about the day it will be cured, in order to move people and to raise funds so that we can continue to do research into the disease. All funds raised will be devoted to the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute’s (IJC) research programmes, the only centre in Europe devoted entirely to research into leukaemia and other malignant blood diseases. Donations can be made by sending the word MAÑANA to 28027 (Cost of SMS: €1.20 donated entirely. Available to mobile phones with Movistar, Orange, Vodafone and Yoigo España), or through The #PonleFecha campaign has the support of Allianz, Celgene, Janssen, Novartis, Roche and Würth España.

Every year during the month of June we hold Leukaemia Week (21-28 June) to raise awareness about leukaemia and our work to combat it. Today the Josep Carreras Foundation is launching its campaign in the media and begins a month full of activities throughout the whole country. Amongst them are the following:

THE WHOLE OF SPAIN Awareness-raising campaign with more than 1,200 patients and their families throughout the whole of Spain, on Saturday 17 June. We will send information and convoke people beforehand.

BARCELONA Cinema cycle against leukaemia in Barcelona in collaboration with the Filmoteca de Catalunya, from 21 to 29 June. See the programme HERE.

THE WHOLE OF SPAIN Sale ofsolidaritysweets throughout the entire month in XXX Spanish chemist’s shops,in collaboration Acofarma.

BARCELONA On the evening of 21 June the Sagrada Família in Barcelona will be illuminated in orange, the colour of the fight against leukaemia.

THE WHOLE OF SPAIN Sale of the Foundation’s solidarity glasses through the website of Óptica Universitària.

BARCELONA Solidarity tapas in restaurants belonging to the Barcelona Andilana Group: Les Quinze Nits (Plaça Reial, 6), La Crema Canela (Passatge Madoz, 6), La Fonda (C/Escudellers, 10), Grill Room (C/Escudellers, 8), La Dolça Hermínia (C/Magdalenes, 27), La Rita (C/Aragó, 279), Balthazar (C/Rosselló, 189), La Polpa (C/Enric Granados, 69), Flamant (C/Enric Granados, 23), Market (C/Comte Borrell, 68) and Basílico Gastrobar (Avda. Paral·lel, 142).

MADRID Solidarity Pulso Festival 2017 on 11 June at 6.30 p.m. at the Sala Caracol in Madrid. More info:

BARCELONA Solidarity zumba on 10 June 12 noon in the Plaça del Nen de la Rutlla in Barcelona; and outdoor spinning on 10 June from 5.39 p.m. at Parc del Guinardó. Inscriptions:

MADRID A day of solidarity with a football tournament, a ball, concerts… on 11 June in the Orcasitas district of Madrid. More info:

BARCELONA Solidarity concert with Coral de Belcanto at the Santa Maria del Mar church in Barcelona on Tuesday 13 June at 8.15 p.m. More info:

And many other activities…

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