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Photographic exhibition: “Would you sign for a better world?”

Photographic exhibition: “Would you sign for a better world?”


The José Carreras Foundation participates in a photographic exhibition in Madrid, from the 9th to the 22nd of October

The photographic exhibition “Would you sign for a better world?” consists of twenty-two striking images from projects developed by the organizations that form the Information Campaign about Non-profit Heritages and Legacies and that shows the world the positive and enthusiastic side of collaborating in this way.

“Legacies allow us to extend our solidarity beyond our own lives,” says Marina Lozano Cabezas, Head of Communications and Donors at HelpAge International Spain. “We all want a better world, a world without hunger, in which all children grow up safe and have access to education; a world that guarantees health care and advances in research on diseases such as Alzheimer’s, cancer, leukaemia and HIV; a world that promotes human rights, in which our elders are cared for and treated, a planet where the weather is predictable and which protects biodiversity and ecosystems, where resources are guaranteed through sustainable developments. It is very exciting to see that a gesture of solidarity like these legacies contributes decisively to make this happen.”

The exhibition will take place from the 9th to the 22nd of October at the Plaza de la independencia nº 12 in Madrid.

Photographic exhibition by Legado Solidario

About the Information Campaign on Non-profit Heritages and Legacies

The Information Campaign about Non-profit Heritages and Legacies is an initiative that brings together 22 major Spanish NGOs, including the José Carreras Foundation. Its main objective is to inform about the simple, inexpensive and useful process to perform notary and deciding on the administration of the patrimony, and on the possibility of a non-profit legacy. This form of donation does not prejudice the rights of the heirs but instead, really helps to make a difference in improving the lives of future generations.

The campaign was publicly presented in 2007 by the hand of seven pioneering entities. Five years later, the number of members has tripled. Twenty nonprofit organizations are part of this initiative: Acción contra el Hambre, ACNUR, Alboan, Aldeas Infantiles SOS, Amigos de los Mayores, Amnistía Internacional, Ayuda en Acción, Cáritas, Cris Contra el Cáncer, Entreculturas, José Carreras Foundation, Fundació Pasqual Maragall, Fundació Universitari Vall d’Hebrón-Institut de Recerca, HelpAge International, Intermón Oxfam, Médicos del Mundo, MedicusMundi, Médicos Sin Fronteras, Plan España, Solidaridad Internacional, UNICEF España y WWF España.

You can see all the pictures of the participating organizations HERE.

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