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Prof. Ciril Rozman, Vice-President of the José Carreras Foundation, has received the Doctor Honoris Causa from the Catholic University of Valencia.

Prof. Ciril Rozman, Vice-President of the José Carreras Foundation, has received the Doctor Honoris Causa from the Catholic University of Valencia.


Prof. Ciril Rozman, Vice-President of the José Carreras Foundation, has received the Doctor Honoris Causa from the Catholic University of Valencia.

Prof. Ciril Rozman, an esteemed professor at the University of Barcelona, is considered to be one of the leading global references in the medical world. Born in Ljubljana (Slovenia) in 1929, he has been a university professor of medical pathology since 1967 in Salamanca and 1969 in Barcelona, and is a specialist in blood diseases. Within the field of haematology he is considered to be one of the principal experts in the world on Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL). He was the first Spanish author to have written in the prestigious magazine: The New England Journal of Medicine, with his review of CLL. His involvement in haematology therapy has focused on the bone marrow transplant and he was the first to carry our an allogeneic (from a donor) transplant in Spain

In 1995, the haemotologist received the King Jaime I award in Clinical Medicine and in 1988 he was award the cross of Saint Jordi. In 1998 he received the Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of Granada and in 2004 from the University of Salamanca. Ciril Rozman carried out his training under the guidance of two “grand masters” of medicine; Prof. Pedro Pons and Prof. P Farreras Valentí. For this reason, Prof Rozman, has continued the pedagogical work that Doctor Farreras started in 1929 with his treatise in internal medicine, which continues to be a fundamental resource for students and professionals.

In the section “Reports we want to share with you (spanish)” in our webpage, you can find various interviews with Prof. Ciril Rozman.

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