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REDMO has participated in a pilot test for faster worldwide access to umbilical cord blood units.

REDMO has participated in a pilot test for faster worldwide access to umbilical cord blood units.


REDMO has participated in a pilot test for faster worldwide access to umbilical cord blood units.

So far, REDMO, like the rest of registries, had only the basic information of all foreign cords. Therefore, for each unit of potential interest for a patient, the Office of Umbilical Cord Blood of REDMO had to seek full information through every registry.

 Stored umbilical cord blood unit

Stored umbilical cord blood unit

After launching the new EMDIScord platform, developed internationally by the Spanish registry along with the ones of the U.S., Holland, Italy, France and Germany, all countries that use this system will access the complete information of every umbilical cord blood unit with just one click: HLA typing, cellularity, blood type, CFU count (estimation of how the umbilical cord will proliferate in the patient’s body), date of collection of the umbilical cord unit, number of bags in which its stored and freezing process.

This way, the doctor who needs a compatible unit for a Spanish or international patient, will be able to quickly select the best units for onward shipment. This system, which begins with over 250,000 shared umbilical cord blood units, greatly shortens the time to select the best units and allows a quicker discard of the less suitable units.

The EMDIScord platform foresees the inclusion of more international registries for the direct benefit of Spanish and foreign patients.

Blood of an umbilical cord

At the World Marrow Donor Association meeting, held on November 2012 in Minneapolis, the EMDIScord project was presented to facilitate the initial results and to invite the other worldwide registries to participate. The pilot test has been performed with the Spanish, Italian and French registries and, for now, the platform will have information units from the following countries (Registries):

– USA (NMDP USA): more than 133,000 umbilical cord blood units

– Spain (REDMO): more than 57,000 umbilical cord blood units

– Italy (IBMDR): more than 28,000 umbilical cord blood units

– France (France Greffe de Moelle): more than 21,000 umbilical cord blood units

– Germany (ZKRD): more than 14,000 umbilical cord blood units

– Netherlands (Europ donor): more than 3,000 umbilical cord blood units


If you want information on donating bone marrow and/or umbilical cord blood, see the section “Donors” on our webpage.

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