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REDMO receives first prize in the Farmaindustria Foundation Awards

REDMO receives first prize in the Farmaindustria Foundation Awards


REDMO receives first prize in the Farmaindustria Foundation Awards

Dr.Carreras, Director of the REDMO, collected the award and the 30,000€ prize money. In 2011, the Bone marrow donor registry, which was created by the José Carreras Foundation in 1991, will celebrate its 20th anniversary of providing a service to all those patients who require a transplant but have no compatible family member. Until it was established Spanish patients could not access the registries that had been created in other countries. Furthermore, due to a lack of an organized registry no donors existed in Spain either. Nowadays, the registry coordinates with over 100 hospitals and transplant centres all over Spain. In addition, the registry receives search requests for foreign patients from the international registries. There 63 similar registries to the REDMO in 44 different countries. Since its creation, REDMO has administered over 6,000 searches for hematopoietic stem cells (a donor compatible with bone marrow, peripheral blood, or umbilical cord blood) and has identified a donor for more than 4,000 of these patients.

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We feel especially proud of this prize because it is a public recognition of a project that has been crucial to the curing of many patients of leukaemia and other hematological malignancies in Spain and the world. In the name of our President Mr. José Carreras, and all the team, we want to thank the Farmindustria Foundation immensely for this prize.

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Dr. Carreras

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