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Week against Leukaemia 2012: More than 152 patients come out to the streets to tell society: VALUE LIFE!

Week against Leukaemia 2012: More than 152 patients come out to the streets to tell society: VALUE LIFE!


Week against Leukaemia 2012: More than 150 leukaemia patients come out to the streets to tell society: VALUE LIFE!

A few months ago, we came out to the street to say it loud and clear and we made a small experiment which will touch your heart…


Yolanda now and before

Yolanda Martínez, ex-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma patient, co-protagonist of the “Value Life Experiment” and creator of the concept.

Now, in order to celebrate the Week against Leukaemia 2012 and continue alerting society, on Saturday June 23rd, 152 patients and their families will join the “Value Life Experiment” and spread this hopeful message. The purpose is no other than raising funds and sensitizing society on the fight against leukaemia and other haematological malignancies. Every year 5,000 people suffer from leukaemia in our country. Although today the scientific level and the doctors in our country are excellent, still 1 in every 4 children and half of the adult patients don’t get a chance to win the battle. In the José Carreras Foundation against Leukaemia we’ve had, for 25 years, one main objective: that leukaemia will one day be a 100% curable illness.

Week against leukaemia map

Also, during this week there will be a lot of surprises in the social networks where the José Carreras Foundation participates in (Facebook, Twitter…). Follow them carefully!

How can you collaborate with the José Carreras Foundation and join the Week against Leukaemia 2012?

– Share or re-tweet our posts on Facebook and Twitter.

– Become a member of leukaemia’s healing, with very little you can do a lot

– Get more information on bone marrow donation, you can save a life.

Thank you for your solidarity!

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