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Week against Leukaemia 2013: ‘VALUE LIFE!’

Week against Leukaemia 2013: ‘VALUE LIFE!’


We need your help to achieve a challenge that will offer better possibilities for leukaemia patients!

During the Week against Leukaemia (June 21st-28th), we have set a very important challenge that will help patients who suffer from leukaemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma and another haematological malignancies but we need your collaboration.

We are trying to raise 10.000€, through text messages, in order to open up a new line of scientific research. Infections as well as haemorrhages are the main cause of death and complications for patients suffering from haematological illnesses such as leukaemia. In order to give them a better chance, one of the research lines of the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute is entirely focused on the complications and side effects caused by cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy or bone marrow transplants.

Help us make patients keep enjoying life. Text the keyword VALORALAVIDA to 28027*. 

Mar noticia Valora ENG

‘You don’t know how tough you are until life puts you to test. Now that times are hard, value what you have. Smile and enjoy the beauty of life!’ This is the message that Mar and the José Carreras Foundation against Leukaemia want to communicate to the whole society in the name of all patients and former patients, to celebrate the Week against Leukaemia 2013 (21st-28th of June).

Mar is a 4 year old girl from Barcelona who was diagnosed with acute leukaemia a couple of years ago. She underwent a tough and long treatment; however, she always had a big smile in her face. Her mum explains: “she’s given us the strength to be able to cope with it: her games, her dancing, her spirit of overcoming, her indelible smile… Looking back, aside from the bad things, we have lived unforgettable moments, but above all Mar has taught us a great lesson. We are now living our life in a different way, enjoying every little thing we have and living the moment. Our everyday problems no longer seem as big as they used to.”

If you want further information about the challenge and you want to help us spread the word, you can check our progress at or at our Facebook Page. Don’t miss it! Plus, you can buy our ‘Value Life’ t-shirt at our online store:

Thank you very much from the bottom of our hearts.

* The following mobile network operators have waived their charges in order to allow the full 1.20€ cost of the text message to go entirely to charity: Movistar, Orange and Vodafone (Spain). Service not available through other carriers.

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