Tax advantages

Tax advantages Inicio Tax advantages Solidarity offers tax advantages in order to encourage collaboration in social projects. Deductions for private individuals: Donations up to €250 From the corresponding tax returnin the Income Tax for the financial year 2024 80% Additional amount exceeding €250 It has a further deduction. Income Tax financial year 2024 40% Donations for […]

Our information

Spanish Bone Marrow Donors Registry (REDMO) Inicio Our information During the 31 years of REDMO’s existence, more than 13,000 patients around the world have benefited from a donation or transplant coordinated by REDMO. Of these, more than 8,700 patients are Spanish. REDMO Donors Total number of registered donors Our register has almost 474,853 registered donors […]

Main structural lines

Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute Inicio Main structural lines The Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute grows year after year The figures for the end of 2022 are: 0 TECHNICIANS 0 RESEARCHERS 0 RESEARCH GROUPS 0 TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM STAFF 0 RESEARCH GROUPS Research groups Genesis of cancer Cancer Epigenetics Manel Esteller Group leader Cancer genetics Montse […]