MALT type extranodal B-cell lymphoma

Inicio MALT type extranodal B-cell lymphoma The information provided on is intended to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between patients/visitors to this website and their physician. Information reviewed by Dr. Rocío Parody Porras, Doctor specialising in Haematology. Member of the Management of REDMO (Bone Marrow Donor Registry) and of the Foundation’s medical team. […]

Burkitt’s lymphoma

Inicio Burkitt’s lymphoma The information provided on is intended to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between patients/visitors to this website and their physician. José Antonio Burkitt Lymphoma. “In 2012, life smiled on me, I had a promising future, a good job, friends with whom to have fun and joke and, of course, […]

Lymphoblastic lymphoma

Inicio Lymphoblastic lymphoma The information provided on is intended to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between patients/visitors to this website and their physician. Violeta Limfoma limfoblàstic T. “Quan tenia 3 anys em van diagnosticar càncer: un limfoma limfoblàstic. El desembre del 2018 em vaig posar malalta i vaig haver de deixar d’anar […]

Mantle cell lymphoma

Inicio Mantle cell lymphoma The information provided on is intended to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between patients/visitors to this website and their physician. Pilar, 60 years old Mantle cell lymphoma. “I have been fighting a mantle cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma for more than 11 years. I was diagnosed in May 2012, and […]

Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

Inicio Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma The information provided on is intended to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between patients/visitors to this website and their physician. Belén Diffuse large B cell lymphoma. “In May 2017 my daughter was born. I had always wanted to be a mother, but I never thought that when […]