Hello everyone! My name is María, I am 31 years old and I was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia. I couldn’t believe it, neither I nor my family. I remember that the word ‘leukaemia’ being very scary, but what scared me the most was the whole process: the hospital admission, the long hospital stay, being separated from my family…
It was a tough treatment process, but I was able to overcome it and make it to the day of my bone marrow transplant. That was going to save me, and it did! From that day on, there have been medical check-ups to monitor that everything is going well.
I feel fortunate and grateful to all those who have accompanied me on this journey. Being able to hold my little boy again is the best thing that has ever happened to me. My father always tells me that it has been difficult, but that I never lacked a smile, and that gave them hope.
I am gradually leading it all behind me, but I will always remember the medical team that cared for me, the Unstoppables that I have met along the way and the work of the Josep Carreras Foundation, so that each patient can move forward. THANK YOU!